Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mik Tek Studios August 1st 2013 Update

Greetings fellow clients and Mik Tek Followers!

Just a few new announcements worth the drumroll and to be worth mentioning in an announcement all of their own. So lets get crackin!

Updates to the Website and Mik Tek Logo.

"In the upcoming weeks, you will see some changes to the website, away from the darker green ominous theme and more to a modern flat black and bright teal."

In the upcoming weeks, you will see some changes to the website, away from the darker green ominous theme and more to a modern flat black and bright teal. a welcome refresh to the Mik Tek Brand, yet still packing the same Creative Quality Burst of Energy that Mik Tek Studios has begun to have a reputation for over the past several years. The new logo will also represent a tightened sense of branding, which will also carry the same color theme universally throughout all of our future products. The emphasis was always on the work of the studio, seen even right down to the core elements of the previous logo design, we however want to make sure that the brand is just as strong as the quality of work that flows from it. We are pretty excited about this refresh, and we hope you will be too!

Greater focus/ participation back into elements of game design.

(This particular announcement is not so much a newer one, but one that has been a long time coming.) As of the time of this writing, I [Michael MidKnight] have had done battle unknowingly in the past few years with Celiac Disease, a rare disease that does not allow my digestive system to process any products containing or made with gluten. It had affected my work greatly and much of the upcoming work from last year was placed on hold while this was sorted out. Having this knowledge moving into the 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2013, I am feeling like I have a new lease on life. Getting back to one of the core aspects of what I founded Mik Tek Studios for, fellow followers will start to see all bits of Mik Tek come to life with gaming, from little bits of info on your daily feeds containing little known facts of the Gaming World to full fledged products, services and partnerships launched specifically for Gamers and Game Developers, some that I hope to reveal very soon. Game On and Stay Tuned!

Announcing Trading Card Design Alpha & Ticket Design Alpha Services.

Still in the testing phase, Mik Tek Studios is excited to announce these two services, currently in Alpha with the projected Beta Launch Date of October 2013. While catering to smaller Trading Card Quantities while still in Alpha, both will be making their way to the available services menu on the Mik Tek Website. As for ticket design, Anything that one would need tickets for, Independent performances, invite only birthday party, film festival, school sports event, any show really, well consider your tickets now available!

Announcing; Be Seen. Be Said. Be Heard.

With no anticipated hard launch date, launching soon will be Mik Tek Tv. Shifting gears from a brand of just a design mindset to more focus on gaming & electronic entertainment as a whole, Mik Tek Tv will be a weekly/biweekly show pulling facts from gaming history, up to date info on cutting edge tech, and pretty much anything else interesting in between. MT Tv will also be looking to reach out to potential partners to aid in this endeavor, Yes, DYKgaming, BalrogtheMaster, Hidden Block and the rest of you Youtube Gamer Greats, Im talking about you!

This concludes the MT Aug 1st Update.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

This week's roundup of DYK little known game facts:

-DYK? Nintendo Owns the Seattle Mariners. Back in 1992 Nintendo became the majority owner of major league baseball team the Seattle Mariners.

-DYK? The interesting story behind the Donkey Kong License:
Rewind back to the NES era, and Nintendo is facing some heavy legal action. With who you ask? Why with Universal Studios, which thinks Donkey Kong infringes on the King Kong trademark. Because Nintendo's first bit had just hit in the States, it was a crucial legal battle to win. Nintendo pulled out the big guns with attorney John Kirby, who successfully argued that the King Kong plot and characters were "in the public domain."

To thank Kirby, Nintendo bought him a sailboat and granted him "exclusive worldwide rights to use the name for sailboats."

-DYK? Nintendo used to run a "Love Hotel" One of the ideas explored by the early N, popular in Japan & offered couples rooms by the hour.

-DYK? Megaman originally started as a concept for a game based on Astro Boy, early on Capcom lost the license and made Megaman instead. ‪#‎itsprofitabletorecycle‬

-DYK? There already was a Super Mario 4, In Japan at least. When Super Mario World hit stores in Japan, the game was subtitled Super Mario Bros 4, perhaps to prevent any confusion. Strangely enough, in America Yoshi's Island was also known as Super Mario World 2, though that wasn't included in the Japanese title.

-DYK? Nintendo is 121 Years Old, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on 9/23/1889 as a Japanese playing card company. (Sony founded. 1946, Microsoft founded 1975)

-DYK? Concept art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past shows that some early costumes for Zelda had an odd sci-fi theme. ‪#‎futurelink‬

-DYK? The P in P-Wing stands for Paratroopa. As explained by a Mario developer, the P-Wing represents one of the wings used by the flying turtles known as Paratroopas. Meaning some poor Paratroopa had to be maimed just so you could skip a stage that was too tough for you.

-DYK? Boo in Super Mario is based on a developer’s wife.
First appearing in Super Mario Bros 3, Boos have become an indispensable enemy in the Mario series. The monsters origins come from an incident in co-designer Takeshi Tezuka’s life according to an interview with Miyamoto. He said, “Mr. Tezuka got an idea about putting his wife in the game. His wife is very quiet normally, but one day she exploded, maddened by all the time he spent at work. In the game, there is now a character who shrinks when Mario looks at it, but when Mario turns away, it will grow large and menacing."

-DYK? Diddy Kong originally designed to be Donkey Kong Jr.
The Donkey Kong series had been pretty quiet until Rare took it over in the early ‘90s with Donkey Kong Country. When Rare was first designing the game, the plan was for Donkey Kong to be accompanied by a second player as Donkey Kong Junior. But Nintendo felt Rare’s redesign for the ape was too extreme. Given the choice, Rare kept the redesign and renamed him Diddy Kong.

-DYK? Original audio of the Fire Temple in Ocarina of Time had Muslim-type chanting that was cut because Muslims took it offensively. ‪#‎far2pc‬

-DYK? New Super Mario Bros Wii originally had a chicken Power Up. Nintendo decided to use penguins instead. ‪#‎theotherwhitemeatmario‬

-DYK? Ocarina of Time was originally designed to be played in 1st person mode. ‪#‎dodgedAFPbullet‬

-DYK? In Nintendo's Animal Crossing, the signs in the museum are written in Hylian, from the Legend of Zelda. ‪#‎adoptedherooftime‬

You can be sure to find these and other interesting tidbits of info and announcements on our twitter @miktekstudios, and on our facebook page Follow or Like today!

Monday, July 22, 2013

OUYA, I Need A Hero.

July 21, 2013

1316 3RD Street Promenade
Santa Monica, CA 90401
United States

Dear Julie, Customer Service and Team Ouya At Large,

Im going to try to keep this email short, as its seems that OUYA customer service is still very much in beta as far as responses; but I cannot guarantee anything. Julie has mentioned that there are 8 people working solely on Customer Service issues, while she steps in the fray to answer what she can as well.

Let me just start by saying that ever since I heard of OUYA, I was a huge supporter.

I did not have the funds to back the kickstarter at the time, I had just lost my job and was dealing with (at the time unknown) celiac disease. Means I cant have gluten in my system.

Couple of painful months later I was able to work thru it and not only put together funds for a reserve console, but I also had gotten someone else, who's never even OWNED a game console prior, to reserve one as well.

I've had a strong persuasive background in sales what can I say.

I bought my OUYA Feb 5th (#1176), and purchased a second for my friend Feb 8th (#1527). 
I bought my OUYA Feb 5th (#1176), and purchased a second for my friend Feb 8th (#1527). 

Only receiving receipts for both transactions, I waited, waited, and waited. I knew this wasn't Bottomless Microsoft. This wasn't tried and true Nintendo. Wasn't even edgy and unpredictable Sony. This is what it is to be an early adopter of new hardware or software, its not going to be perfect. But I still expect it to work.

Meeting and beating goals within an 8 hour timeframe, shattering all barriers even close to goals ending over 8.5 MILLION. It was well deserved. The idea gave us all something to yearn for, to work with, to build on. It was what all the others could not be,  and yet filling a niche of its own without putting down a downpayment equivalent to a used car like the other consoles. I never thought twice. I just knew the possible.  I wanted to make killer software for something just as out of the norm as OUYA could be. I woke up just txting OUYA! to people for 4 months.
And I have the txt msgs to prove it.

Hearing early on of a soft launch date of June 2013, I figured that after the first few days that I never got a reply back for tracking #s for not one but for TWO separate orders, I figured that I'd sift thru the swarms and swarms of "Where's my OUYA?" and "My tracking # is no good, DHL has no record of the shipment and it was lost long ago in Hong Kong", etc etc that plagued every google crawl or comment on your Facebook page.
"I want to make one thing clear; I wish nothing negative to any of you, or anything OUYA related. I want this to bounce back."

So many people, so many early backers with #'s so much smaller then mine who also still had not received theirs, made me nervous but still giving the benefit of a doubt, until June 5th.

No response, and no OUYAs, I decided to email support to try to get a tracking # that was never received for months.

Jun 06 06:40 (PDT)
Hi there, I had placed 2 orders for OUYA, (One was for me to test and start developing with, another for a birthday gift for a friend) #1176 #1527, and I wanted to know the status of those shipments or tracking #s for those orders as I was informed June 2013 shipment date, nothing solid datewise but I wanted to check with you guys to see what info I could get, mainly for me to get started testing the hardware to bring some content OUYAside.

I read either 48 hrs turnaround time for responses or 3 business days, I cannot remember at this point. Either way, nothing.

Sooo many more people flooding the comments angry that they too had shared the same experience.  Some mentions here and there that OUYAs were just showing up on doorsteps unannounced, but I paid no attention as every case could be different.

Still no response.

About a week later, I bumped the ticket with another query:

Jun 12 20:55 (PDT)
Looking to see if there was an update to this email request.
Thank you.

No response.

I visited local GameStops just curious if they actually had a reserve list. Turns out you could order in store and have launch day (which was clarified thru messages online as I searched the web to be June 25th)

I checked the GameStop site, along with Amazon. All in stock and all guaranteed times. I began to feel a bait and tackle coming, as the Phantom Game Console was a similar experience (promises so high that I am sure they had no choice but to become vaporware) and again the rage against the OUYA online began to really start to take its toll. I wanted it the day of, so even if I had to race to a store to get one and then deal with the refunds of the 2 consoles later, then that was what I would do. But why would retail customers get priority over early pre-orders and backers?
No response.

Early the 25th, it was available in limited supply from local GameStops in the area ( the one I was dealing with mainly was a Retail GameStop from Fresh Meadows NY, the manager stated they only had 2 on hand. That's all that was shipped on launch day of OUYA. 2 per store, if that.) I emailed again just trying to get some sort of response, just to see if Support for Customers really did exist with OUYA. Frustrated, I responded to the silence yet again:

Jun 25 07:22 (PDT) Or you know, not. That works too. Thanks for getting back to me.
I had no idea what was happening with the 2 consoles. I headed out later to pick up the OUYA from GameStop, as I did not want to be left out, I knew they had it on hand and I have bought from them before, so I knew I could call and confirm with them of the sale before the purchase. Coming back from purchasing the new OUYA, I return back to have mine waiting for me that I had originally bought back in February. Same time my phone started ringing, my friend wanted to let me know that hers had showed up as well.

Without any response, rhyme or reason, no feedback and no support; the OUYA had just showed up unannounced. Just like the feedback online had been mentioning.

With some buggy issues with my friend's OUYA, and when opening mine to find my OUYA scratched and a defective control stick that squeaks? doesn't control correctly when it moves, and when the controller plating is removed to place in batteries, the control stick just falls out.
I paid $100 for a second hand OUYA? Seriously?

All in all, my experience with your company has not been pleasant.

Anything but pleasant actually. Finally receiving an email almost a MONTH later from Chad, with a generic response that had nothing to do with what I originally asked for.
I never did get a tracking # for either order:

Chad Makings (OUYA Support)
Jul 02 07:32 (PDT)
Hi Info,
As we continue to evolve here at OUYA, making constant improvements to our product, we want to make sure that we keep you -- our community and THE reason we do what we do everyday -- in the “know” and up-to-speed on our progress.
As part of these important updates, and in response to the (literally) overwhelming response we’ve seen in sales activity since launching earlier this week, we wanted to share with all of you the latest ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ which we update and publish on our website @
The goal of sharing this info is simple -- if while playing OUYA, you come across something you need to troubleshoot, head over to our support page and, chances are, the OUYA Problem Solvers have posted a workaround to the issue you’ve encountered. If - on the other hand - you discover an issue we haven’t yet identified or published an answer to (which is totally possible given it’s early in the game and we have lots to learn still!), then simply open a new ticket @ From there, our Problem Solvers will review, respond and update the FAQ’s regularly.
We hope you find these updates helpful and if you can think of anything else we can do better, hit us up at!
Your humble servants (really we are here for you),
Chad, Arsen, Chris, Ed, Derek, Terell, Sarah, and Jim
M.P.S's for OUYA
You can find the latest FAQ here:
Included in the latest update are topics such as:
My tracking number isn’t working. How can I get the status of my order?
- If you live in the U.S., use this link to track your OUYA order:
- If you live outside of the U.S., use this link to track your order: 
[Note: For orders outside of the U.S., be sure to enter your tracking # in the second text box labeled ‘Item Cust_Ref’ field. It’s case-sensitive.]
*Please allow more time for the tracking #s to bring back info, as in most cases, they're being sent from overseas. Also, please keep in mind that we have received reports from some people who have received their shipments before any info. was returned by their tracking #.
I’ve changed my address since I ordered my OUYA. What do I need to do to update my shipping information?
- If your OUYA is being delivered to somewhere other than your current address, please update your address with your postal service so that it can be forwarded. If it is not forwarded, please contact us @ and we will work with you directly to ensure it arrives safe and sound at the right doorstep.
Where are the additional controller(s) I ordered?
- If you've ordered extra controllers, you will receive them in a second shipment. We did this in some cases to get you your OUYA to you ASAP. If you only receive one controller at first, don't worry, another one will be on its way!
- Chad

The email response had nothing to do with my question; it wasn't even read.

I write all of this as being a graphic designer, marketer, advertiser and above all a creative thinker, I feel the same as the over 63,000 backers that believed in the project and did whatever we could do to make your dream a reality; you dropped the ball on us.
You forgot about US. We are the reason why this dream exists.

You forgot about US. We are the reason why this dream exists.
I have mixed emotions about this whole launch, the concept and most importantly the "support" given to those who made this possible.

More disgusted then happy. Especially with a console that was obviously thrown in a box in a mad rush to make shipment quotas.

But I want to make one thing clear; I wish nothing negative to any of you, or anything OUYA related. I want this to bounce back and be so successful that we can actually get GOOD games that I remember playing back in the SNES/Genesis days, not just countless mindless FPS clones and lukewarm "innovations."
I also want to bring content to this console.

I want people, all people who haven't a clue what an OUYA is, or what it can mean for them to share with them what it SHOULD mean for them. I would even offer to aid in customer support myself, just so that its one less person that has to deal with what I've dealt with. Just like OUYA is the game changer in a sea of bloated Titanics, perhaps this single email too can make a tugboat of a difference.

I know, I KNOW the OUYA will be amazing. Day One I knew.

But we can't know just how OUYA IS if this is the service that the VIP customers are getting, let alone everyday project backers.  If this were a restaurant, I wouldn't care how great the food is supposed to be; If the plates are dirty there's no point in enjoying an otherwise perfect meal. And I cannot communicate to your waitstaff if you are not present (or nonexistent) in light of these types of issues.

I don't expect to hear back about this response given OUYA's track record as of late, but then again maybe I don't need to.

Andrew Martin didn't need a confirmation that he was human in Bicentennial Man, the android just knew what he needed to know and said what he needed to say.

Please, please fix this.

With much respect.

Michael MidKnight